It is an educational, professional and study system with a duration of between two to three years, and upon completion it gives you a certificate of vocational training recognized in Germany and the European Union countries, and opens the labor markets in Germany and others as a person who has completed his qualification and training in Germany.


There are some criteria and advantages for those who enroll in vocational training opportunities in Germany, and among the criteria is the age of the applicant, where the lower the average age, the higher and better the chances of admission. It is also required that there is an educational level that can be equalized at least a general secondary certificate, diploma, industrial, Azhar. Among the requirements is proficiency in German language, although it is not a prerequisite to start at this stage, but German embassies abroad require obtaining a certificate at the level of B1 at least, which is one of the requirements for obtaining a visa and it is easy for everyone to start and join vocational training such as studying in Germany, regardless of religion, culture, color and nationality.


There are many fields of vocational training in Germany for more than two hundred technical and professional specializations between the fields of technology, programming and electronic industries. It also includes some administrative and service specializations such as tourism and hospitality, and some medical specialties such as nursing and physiotherapy.


Salaries during the period of vocational training and education in Germany range between approximately 800 euros and up to 1,300 euros. Taxes and insurances. Once you obtain an acceptable contract for vocational training, you are eligible to reside and work in Germany. Obtaining a work contract is just a time related to your completion of vocational training, and you can contact us to find out more procedures and conditions to find what suits you.